Lcator calculator for Amateur Radio by Ilkka Kontola OH3NJC: The locator calculator calculates distance (in kilometers) and antenna direction (north 0 degrees, east 90 degrees etc) from one site to another. The location of "from" and "to" sites must be given using (Maidenhead) locator code. For instance locator kp11sn stands for 61.5625 N / 24.5417 E. The locator calculator is a Windows program. It has been built for Windows 3.1. It should work with Windows 3.0 in standard ("286") and enhanced ("386") modes but not in real mode. It may work with Windows NT and OS/2 v2 Windows 3.0 standard mode subsystem. You may freely copy and use this program. You may not sell this program. (Not that anyone would pay anything to get this very little program...) There is no guarantee at all. What you see is what you get. You may not tamper the original executable. The source code is available. If you modify the source and build a new version you must credit also the original author like this: Derived from Locator calculator by Ilkka Kontola OH3NJC version 921129 You can set default from locator by adding the following two lines to win.ini: [locator] fromdefault=your-default-locator Make sure that you know what you are doing before editing win.ini! About the source code: The code frame has been generated using Protogen v2.2. (Protogen by Protoview Development Corporation) The source code is for Borland C++ with Application Frameworks version 3.1. The code is mainly C++ and it is using Borland ObjectWindows class library. If you use Protogen to regenerate the source you must do the following modifications by hand: - add loceng.c to the project - locate the following lines in locowl.cpp: // not preserved during Protogen generation ! // append to module TMainWindow::SetupWindow() code const int MAXLOC = 6+1; char def_from[MAXLOC]; GetProfileString ("locator", "fromdefault", "", def_from, MAXLOC); Editfromloc->SetText(def_from); // end of not preserved.... - follow the request to append them to proper place...